Cabin Divider

2 replies

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 273

Have VA installed a cabin divider on their newest B737's? Last time I flew on one ( Jan ) with the new seats the cabin divider wasn't fitted. VA have said they would put one in soon after the first trial of the new style seats and that was almost 2 years ago .



Member since 23 Oct 2015

Total posts 49

Sadly no. Even worse, the disease appears to spreading across the fleet. I was on an old 738 2 weeks ago and it had the new seats but alas no divider.

Three problems arise:

1. you don't feel 'special' sitting in row 2;

2. half of the plane uses the forward toilet (it's like being on qantas); and

3. getting a bit of space to get off becomes a problem as there is nowhere for the cabin crew to 'block'.

I know this is the epitome of a 'first world problem' but I miss it

Get it together Virgin!



Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Aug 2014

Total posts 205

@Ricardo you've hit the nail on the head right there. Esp point #2. It shouldn't take this long to get the new divider certified and installed.

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