Garuda Business Class (Cheap Fares)?

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Member since 17 Apr 2013

Total posts 63

Garuda Business Class (Cheap Fares)?

Hi; i'll be attending a wedding in Jakarta late November; looking at business class on Garuda Indonesia. Sydney-Jakarta (nov22-dec1) for only $1294au return... I find this very cheap for business class?

(Qantas is $2094au to compare)

Has anyone travelled business class with them on this route? how good/bad is there BC product. your comments will be appreciated. cheers!


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 384

There is a great review of Garuda J around here somewhere...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

Going by the rave reviews, it has improved by leaps and bounds to be a good Business Class - as per John's trip report - and I think for that price the answer is a resounding yes.


Member since 10 Mar 2011

Total posts 137

Garuda Business is pretty good although they only have lie flat seats (angled) on the flights to Sydney which is the same as what Qantas offers on their A330 flights to Jakarta. The bonus on Garuda is that they have immigration on board so you will clear immigration during your flight to Jakarta which means you can breeze through on arrival. That together with the cheaper fare means it is a great deal.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

IIRC they use A332 to SYD with fully-flat J.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

Oh, today is a A333.


Member since 10 Mar 2011

Total posts 137

Yeah... that's what happened to me on a couple of occasions... So I just assume now that it will be angledand not fully flat.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

It's usually an A332, but to put out a blanket assumption it will be angled-flat is a little misleading. There is a risk an A333 with angled-flat seats will be substituted, but flight history indicates this normally isn't the case, and most of the time the J is fully-flat.


Member since 10 Mar 2011

Total posts 137

Sure... You must fly them more often than I do then and have the experience with them so we'll go with your reasoning.

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