Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi.

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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 462

Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver

I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi. However, my online booking says I don't have access to the chauffeur service in AUH. Is it automatically considered a transit if it less than 24 hours?



Member since 23 Jan 2013

Total posts 74

Yes, under 24 hours is considered 'in transit'. 

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi.

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