Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi.
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 09 May 2013
Total posts 462
Etihad Abudhabi Transit vs Stopver
I made a multi city booking on Etihad website on J class and I have 20 hours in Abu Dhabi. However, my online booking says I don't have access to the chauffeur service in AUH. Is it automatically considered a transit if it less than 24 hours?
Member since 23 Jan 2013
Total posts 74
Yes, under 24 hours is considered 'in transit'.