Has anyone flown air Asia flat bed?

15 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 19 Mar 2014

Total posts 358

Has anyone flown air Asia flat bed? Thoughts? Particularly around space. Not expecting all the bells and whistles, but if it's enough to lay down and sleep in, might be a good option for me.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Dec 2014

Total posts 191

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but I have heard cases of people going to sleep and waking up to find bite marks all over their skin. ( I haven't personally flown it)


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Mar 2014

Total posts 214

What a load of b......t!!


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 19 Mar 2014

Total posts 358

Hahaha I see the humour in it.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Mar 2014

Total posts 214

I have flown their flat beds multiple times, I am 6ft 2 and it is more than comfy for me. 

its the same style of seat like QF's old J class.

I  pay for it as I want the room and space.  There is no extra service  but for me its a fantatsic option. Highly recommend. 


Member since 13 Sep 2013

Total posts 119

They're pretty good for the price.

The only thing is because they're angled, I've woken up to find I've slid down the seat.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 9

I got option town cash upgraded for HND-KUL.

Slept like a baby for the whole flight, but it was my first time in a flat bed! Completely worth the $130 I paid.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 19 Mar 2014

Total posts 358

So there's a paid upgrade option? Something like VA's upgrade me bid?


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 9

Optiontown. Some kind of 3rd party website where they have a set price, but still only a chance of an upgrade. Looks sketchy, but is quite legit.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 8

As above from KL to Melbourne.

Totally worh it for a similar amount.  Both times I have gone with Option Town I have got the seat.  


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 9

My wife and I applied for that segment...but there was only one upgrade available. I ended up having it.


They kindly put her in the front row of the quiet zone, with a spare seat next to her for free. 


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 19 Mar 2014

Total posts 358

Thanks guys... I've only used Air Asia for a hop in Asia. Generally pretty positive feedback for Air Asia, a great value proposition.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 9

Cash only onboard last time I used them. Products for sale in the air are very cheap. Best plane food i've had, much better than Jetstar business food. Get the Nasi Lemak, well under $10. You may need to bring along some ringgits.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 8

Sign up to Option Town before you go, web site looks a bit dodgy.  They will let you know 3 hours before the flight time if yur upgrade was successful or at check in.   Never had any problems with AA, planes clean and new on time and some good hostess eye candy compared to Qantas

Would fly again. Make sure you reserve anything you want and pay upfront though as sometimes they will run out of popular choices if not booked.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 8


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