One thing I noticed at JNB yesterday was the almost complete lack of signage getting from the Domestic to International.
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 10 Dec 2015
Total posts 3
One thing I noticed at JNB yesterday was the almost complete lack of signage getting from the Domestic to International. Have others got any comments on airport signage in general? Or is it just me?
At JNB they call them Terminal A and Terminal B but do not say where to go for international. I guess you are expected to know, ok if you are a regular user.
The checkin hall is almost as dark as a cave.
I did like the view from the A18 gate of the strip.
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
I always pay one of the unofficial porters at JNB to help with luggage and guide me to where I need to be. Even if I don't need any help, as is usually the case. They're always helpful, they often stay with you all the way through the checkin process and can smooth out problems in any number of local languages. 100 Rand is a generous "fee" for the service (AUD$10), don't be persuaded into paying more unless you think this warranted - it's just a friendly come on. These people rely on your business to feed their family.