Upgrade Me Bid Minimums

3 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 20 Jan 2016

Total posts 48

Hi,  Does anyone have any experience on the Upgrade Me bid price ranges.  I have an upcoming flight from BNE-LAX.   The current minimum bid upgrade for PE to J is $1300.   Can the minimum bid drop closer to the date if availability is still high and bid uptake low?   I have been successful on international bids for AirNZ in the past.  With what was judged a weak bid when I made it,  but presented as strong bid by the time I was successful.  I could not see if the minimum moved down to make my previous weak bid look better.   Thanks in advance.   


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 456

The cheapest J i have seen in this sector is around $4600 return. find out how much you paid one way for PE and see the difference to the cheapest J upgrade would be (possible) and bid for it. I believe you can change your bid anytime before departure, so if the minimum drops, you could very well bring your bid down.

I think i could'nt have made it more confusing ;-)

Peter Alba

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Feb 2013

Total posts 2

I think this comes down to luck and load factors of how busy J is. It is a good scheme. Have been successful on Syd to Per but not Bali to Syd because I suspect very small J class. In both cases I bid just above minimum. The same scheme runs on other airlines in different guises and I recently bid the minimum on transatlantic with Aer Lingus and we were upgraded both ways. Bonza! Good luck hope you get it.


Member since 09 Feb 2012

Total posts 3

Can't comment on long haul, but I often put in the minimum bid for domestic routes and have about a 60% success rate of them going through, even with peak hour flights.

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