Emirates updated 777s

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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 07 Jul 2018

Total posts 13

Any news on if Emirates plan to bring their updated 777s to Australia for the Sydney-Dubai flights now that they have removed most of the A380s services? Would be a treat to use the new first class suite on a 14+hr flight not that the 'old' version is bad


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Sep 2018

Total posts 375

Right now, the new 777s are only serving Europe and the seat will only be fitted to new 777 deliveries. So, slim chance of them assigning a new aircraft to this route. Sadly, not availability for any of the new 777 first class as they purposely blocked them.

If you're willing to pay cash, most popular/convinient route would be dubai to london stanstead.

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