Qantas wouldn't give me a free upgrade

19 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 06 Jul 2018

Total posts 11

Doesn't BA give status passengers two free upgrade vouchers per year (subject to availability) - a good way to solve the perceived injustice I think.

I think the poster is trying to say that maybe other airlines are better at offering the odd free upgrade annually based on spend.

Surely Qantas wouldn't want to lose high earning accounts for this perceived perk?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 May 2014

Total posts 3

If you really wanted PE, why wouldn't you just pay the $450? The benefits achieved from status surely outweigh the cost of the original ticket anyway? Lounge, Drinks, Peace and Quiet from a busy terminal, higher earnings, speedy security and check in etc..


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Originally Posted by olliek57

Doesn't BA give status passengers two free upgrade vouchers per year (subject to availability) - a good way to solve the perceived injustice I think.

I think the poster is trying to say that maybe other airlines are better at offering the odd free upgrade annually based on spend.

Surely Qantas wouldn't want to lose high earning accounts for this perceived perk?

Who do you propose they would lose the business too? If the airline had a program which enabled upgrade vouchers, then it's a different story... But they don't and I can't see that happening. Everyone seems to be a QF platinum these days.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Originally Posted by CBRQF

Yes.....that comment was never going to go down well on here...

Nor should it really.

I love to be critical when the airlines don't live up to their promises, but this is a little ridiculous.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Originally Posted by QF_ALT

Wonderful thank you from QF today on the return hop across the ditch. 2 spare seats in PE so a polite request was made to see what the chances were.

Platinum every year since inception and the predictable response. Certainly sir $450.00

Why can't QF get it into its organisational head that a simple decision which involves no additional expense on its part can either create a grateful, happy and supportive customer or, disenfranchise a customer who turns left on alternative OW carriers every 8 weeks to Europe. Why? Precisely because of QF's lack of care.

If my business had access to the database of customer spending patterns showing the leakage to other customers (other OW carriers in this case) I would have our Sales people banging on their door and asking the simplest of questions. QF however doesn't even care enough to look at what is leaking though, let alone call to see what they could do to win our business.

And they whinge about the unfair structural advantages that Middle Eastern and Asian carriers have. Those carriers are humiliating the legacy carriers because they understand the simple principles of customer care and offer superior hard and soft products.

Well done QF-NOT

Everyone else had covered the response pretty well. My one request, on your next trip overseas, please ask one of the Asian or middle eastern carriers for a complimentary upgrade and post the outcome.

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