Why do other carriers fly to and from Australia and not Qantas?

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Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 09 Jun 2019

Total posts 11

Several international carriers are flying regularly into and out of Australia at present (Emirates, Qatar etc,). Why isn't Qantas? If the reason is that these other airlines have their networks abroad to keep them going, would Qantas's international situation change if the domestic market here in Australia gets back on its feet?


Member since 23 Apr 2015

Total posts 25

Why would Qantas choose to fly aircraft overseas when their main market (Australians) are currently generally prohibited from travelling, and there is a cap of the number of passengers that can fly into the country being oversubscribed and over serviced by other state owned subsidised carriers.

When the time is right and there are customers - then they will restart flights, but I can’t see it being in anyone’s interest to do so before.

This discussion is pretty well documented on this site.

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