Qantas Abandons Service Desks

4 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 May 2019

Total posts 62

Is it just me or is this Qantas decision to abandon service desks in lounges and airports an incredibly myopic and frustrating move for a supposedly premium airline?

Qantas has made the frankly spurious claim that it is in response to customer feedback. I respond to 2-3 of their surveys a week and haven’t seen anything on it. I genuinely can’t imagine that any customer thinks it’s a good ideas.

I use the app for all of my flights and reckon I’m at the digitally savvy end of Qantas’ customer base and I still reckon I use service desks 30 times a year - getting home early on flex fares, checking whether there is a spare seat next to me and (if not) moving, rebooking travel companions (if you’ve booked on two separate tickets how will you use the app to move your companion into a blocked P1 seat) and recovery options which require lateral thinking when there are heavy winds on the east coast.

This “talk to the computer” model goes against everything that Qantas has tried to do with premium customer service over the last decade. 18 months ago AJ was all about the benefits of human interactions and how beneficial staff to customer contact was. He wasn’t wrong then. He is now.


Member since 09 May 2020

Total posts 197

There's plenty of good will from service staff (if you treat them right) which cannot be done by online services.


Member since 08 Feb 2018

Total posts 207

I'm so excited to be abandoning Qantas, I just hope VA2 and Rex will provide sufficient quality of service.


Member since 11 Apr 2018

Total posts 18

This is surely a financial decision, not one from customer feedback. Can't imagine the few remaining flyers wanting to abandon face to face customer service, when at the terminal and when something goes wrong - especially with pandemic/border restrictions! Got the latest V-mail specials and see east-west flights on offer from $245, REX is ramping up along the east coast - competition is back. Meanwhile Qantas preps for some bad financials by further cost cutting??


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Apr 2014

Total posts 46

I’m picking this to be a decision guided by financials. They make the role redundant due to ‘customer demand’, so goodbye to those staff. The role gets renamed and re-hired again due to ‘customer demand’ but at a lower per hour rate.

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