Oneworld looking to sign up Indian partner airline

By David Flynn, June 2 2014
Oneworld looking to sign up Indian partner airline

IN BRIEF | The Oneworld airline alliance is scoping out a potential partner from India.

"We are looking at it" Oneworld CEO Bruce Ashby confirmed on the sidelines of the annual International Air Transport Association annual meeting in Doha, Qatar, "but but we have no announcements to make today."

Oneworld is keen to tap into the growing Indian market, but the competing Star Alliance has the lead with next month's planned entry of Air India into the Star family.

However, Ashby counters that "In India, we are actually the largest alliance in terms of revenue from the Indian market."

"That is because of British Airways, Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific and SriLankan Airlines. People do ask me are you going to add an Indian airline, and I say maybe."

Read more: Oneworld alliance eyeing Indian airline partner

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David Flynn is the Editor-in-Chief of Executive Traveller and a bit of a travel tragic with a weakness for good coffee, shopping and lychee martinis.

Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

25 Apr 2013

Total posts 542

They could really use Jet Airways

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

02 Jul 2011

Total posts 1376

Since Kingfisher went down the gurgler, and Air India is finally joining Star, agree that Jet Airways is the obvious choice.

However Etihad now owns 24% of Jet Airways, and we know what they think about alliances.

therealqueen Banned
therealqueen Banned

19 May 2014

Total posts 40

Another dreadful third world airline.

whats with one world and taking these third world products into the alliance?

Outsourced ex-airline staff

04 Jun 2014

Total posts 13

Agreed.....  And actually it's GREED.....

Care to take a flight on MH ???


24 Mar 2014

Total posts 14

is that pauline hanson maquerading as therealqueen

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