• What a stupid comparison.  Qantas is held to account by some of the strictest employment laws in the world and when it made a mistake paid a massive price.  Qatar ignores basic human rights and pays disgraceful wages so that you people that comment here can praise the Q-Suite.  I w...

  • What a bunch of cynical farts.  I love the seat and remember this guy was part of the Q-Suite design team the bagging Qantas for everything sport is really going too far here

  • Did you read the article? Seasonal and agile.  If a market doesn't stack up financially then they can always change it.  I like that they are trying new destinations and it allows them to respond to the market needs.  

  • Fair questions.  No one is answering the question about alcohol.  Riyadh is a dry city in a dry country so unless they are willing to completely throw out their core religious values, there is going to be a substantial element missing from the in-flight and Lounge product offering. ...

  • Qatar already has the rights to fly into other ports in Australia so why don't they use them? Fly more flights into Perth and Adelaide. Fly Canberra, Gold Coast, Darwin, Cairns. Australia already has the most open skies agreement in the world yet everyone here is just insisting that we let QR do ...

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  • While I agree that having 2 domestic airlines is good for consumers and the country, I do not want my taxes to go to bailing VA out. John Borghetti and his Senior Management team put ego ahead of fiscal responsibility and transformed in the wrong way. No one here should forget how disciplined Q...

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