Is there time to visit a CX lounge in HK with a 90 min layover?

9 replies


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 10

Is there time for a quick visit to (any) CX or One World lounge in HK with a 90 minute transit? I guess it depends a lot on gates.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 451

90mins is plenty of time to visit any lounge. Once you do transit security, which is super quick in HKG (keep your boarding pass for onward journey when you land), a brisk walk would get you to most lounges including the short train, and voila, you would be in a lounge.

i have done a lounge visit for a quick shower (after i have placed my order), and upon return, you enjoy your meal/soup, and head to the boarding gate...with only 60mins between flights.

As long as you are there 15mins before your flight, you may be the last person to board, but you get the job done.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Jun 2017

Total posts 58

Agree mspcooper. Have also done this a number of times with less than 90 minutes between flights. Arrival gate location is an absolute factor as it’s a big airport. Last time I had to go over the Sky Bridge which is slow due to long escalators and people wont allow you pass. After transit security, pick a lounge close to the departure gate and relax.

I must say, don’t know if this has been the experience of others. My flights into Hong Kong rarely arriving on time, very often 30 minutes or more late. I have got onto connecting flights after the posted departure time being escorted all the way from the arriving aircraft to the gate. These days I wont book anything through HK with less than 2 hours between flights.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Aug 2014

Total posts 203

As per above gate location is a big factor. If you arrive at the 60's and your next flight is from 1 thru 9 you are in for a long walk. I went thru transit security there twice in the last 3 weeks. Once was quick. The other other took over half an hour. Bear in mind that depending on gates your nearest transit security point may not be the fastest. In the past I've walked to a further point to transit with way less queuing.


Member since 08 Feb 2018

Total posts 207

Originally Posted by APACPete

Agree mspcooper. Have also done this a number of times with less than 90 minutes between flights. Arrival gate location is an absolute factor as it’s a big airport. Last time I had to go over the Sky Bridge which is slow due to long escalators and people wont allow you pass. After transit security, pick a lounge close to the departure gate and relax.

I must say, don’t know if this has been the experience of others. My flights into Hong Kong rarely arriving on time, very often 30 minutes or more late. I have got onto connecting flights after the posted departure time being escorted all the way from the arriving aircraft to the gate. These days I wont book anything through HK with less than 2 hours between flights.

Hang on what? You’re annoyed that the airline noticed your connection was tight, held the departing plane for you and personally escorted you directly to the gate? Thats pretty good service if you ask me!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Jun 2017

Total posts 58

Dm12. Did I say I was annoyed? Don’t think so. Yes it it good service, agree. I think this situation of incoming delays maybe common in HK.

How often is there an airline employee at the gate with a flight number on a card? Often, yes.

How often when departing HK, there appears to be a delay in closing the doors then a group of people arrive? Often, yes.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Jan 2018

Total posts 70

Total respect for those who managed to clear security, get to lounge, shower and eat, and still make it to the gate with 60 minutes between flights. (No sarcasm intended)

Another factor to consider is where you sit on the plane arriving in HKG. If you are at the back of the plane, deplaning alone will take you a good 15-20 minutes from the time the plane touches down, if not more. Plus the distance between gates and lounge. Still possible though with 90 minutes, I reckon, though rushed.


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 10

Originally Posted by quantumreality

Total respect for those who managed to clear security, get to lounge, shower and eat, and still make it to the gate with 60 minutes between flights. (No sarcasm intended)

Another factor to consider is where you sit on the plane arriving in HKG. If you are at the back of the plane, deplaning alone will take you a good 15-20 minutes from the time the plane touches down, if not more. Plus the distance between gates and lounge. Still possible though with 90 minutes, I reckon, though rushed.

Right, flying biz, seat nearest the door.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 974

Some people damn quick to have not just lunch, but also shower in 60 min! Kudos without any sarcasm! I think 90 min would be enough to visit lounge for quick snack (if you need it after flight) and for quick booze (if you need it before flight), but I personally would not bank on anything else. I personally would rather have a walk before next 8 or so hours of seating, visit liqueur duty free and pick good Islay Whisky. They have excellent choice in HKG and I barely see it at any other airport.


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 10

Update - landed almost 30 mins early, so a good start but then had to take one of the terminal trains just to go through a transfer desk only to take the train straight back to where I was when I landed. Luckily my gate was near The Pier so managed 30 mins in there for a quick shower and glass of champagne before my connecting flight. Overall a good result but very rushed, especially as quite a few of the travelators are not in use. Looking forward to a more relaxing 6 hour layover in December.

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