Best use of points?

2 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Jan 2013

Total posts 108

I was recently asked a question I thought I'd check in with the AusBT universe to see what everyone's thoughts were. What is the best use for airline points? (I ask this primarily as lowest tier VA and QF flyer). I know the worst option is rumored to be goods from the Qantas/VA store.

Poll: Best Redemption Option for Points


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,022

Our own top recommendations are at Personally I've found the best uses of my Qantas points to be

  • upgrading from economy to premium economy on QF8, the long Dallas-Sydney leg of what was at the time the world's longest flight and is still pretty bloody long. Having flown over on QF7 in economy I was so happy to be doing the return trip in a cabin with legroom, let alone the wider and generally more comfortable seats!
  • upgrading from business class to first class on Sydney-London. For a total flight time of around 23 hours, parting with the necessary 60,000 points to move from business to first is a no-brainer, and if you're not already Platinum then having access to the first class lounges makes the proposition ever sweeter!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 459

Agree with David, though I did request a upgrade from BNE-LAX from economy to Biz and ended up with a middle seat in Premium Economy - it was hell! 

Not sure whether the A380 premium economy legroom is better than on the 744? Is this something AusBT has covered in the past?

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