Qatar to Canberra

1 reply


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Feb 2017

Total posts 4

Hi all,

Anyone heard about the load factors so far to Canberra (specifically, flight between sydney and Canberra). Loads would be very interesting to hear about, considering they only operate there for the extra Sydney flights (which I assume would be full).


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Hi all,
Anyone heard about the load factors so far to Canberra (specifically, flight between sydney and Canberra). Loads would be very interesting to hear about, considering they only operate there for the extra Sydney flights (which I assume would be full).

Won't be too long until transport departments stats come out, but I can't imagine they would be that high - particularly this time of the year.

Last editedby hutch at Mar 06, 2018, 07:58 PM.

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