Should I pack my own pyjamas?

17 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Apr 2017

Total posts 183

I don’t like taking PJs so much (though to be fair, I don’t own any) but I sleep in whatever I wear into the plane minus shoes. Usually that means I wear a TShirt and shorts onto the plane. I just don’t like to carry extra stuff I don’t need, and I wouldn’t want to have to wake up early from a good sleep just to get changed back 😋


Member since 29 Feb 2016

Total posts 26

Yes pack yr own PJs - a t shirt and whatever else is comfy wch cant be much space rolled up in yr carry-on bag.. Ask crew for a coat hanger and that way your clothes will stay fresh and tidy, use their toothbrush onboard, and book a shower at AUH lounge in transit. You'll appreciate one whether its directly after the outward or before the return 14H flight. Hydrating too..



Member since 17 May 2017

Total posts 7

Are aircraft the only place we wear PJ's in public? Other than kids at the mall of course.
Seriously, I'd rather pack an electric razor and a decent toothbrush than PJ's. The less you have to carry on and worry about the better, especially with a little one to cater for.

Never pack my own - that's Jeeve's job.
Some Travellers wear their PJ's anywhere, along with the hotel slippers - seen many in their silky boxers at the hotel buffet breakfasts.

Last editedby Wall at Jul 24, 2018, 02:24 PM.

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