Airlines push back against Australian passengers’ rights bill

The bill is inspired by similar legislation in Europe, where passengers can claim up to $1000 for delayed flights.

By Chris Ashton, July 5 2024
Airlines push back against Australian passengers’ rights bill

Australia’s major airlines are up in arms over a proposed law which would may them pay compensation to passengers for delayed or cancelled flights, claiming the bill would not solve underlying causes and only increase the cost of airfares. 

Cash compensation is a core element of the Airline Passenger Protections (Pay on Delay) Bill being introduced to the Australian Senate next week. The legislation would also see the creation of an airline code of conduct.

While Australia already has an Airline Customer Advocate funded by the airlines, this bill – inspired by similar “passenger’s rights” legislation across Europe and North America – seeks to make airlines more accountable.

In Europe, for example, passengers can claim up to $1000 from airlines for significant flight disruptions if the airline was at fault.

The Pay on Delay bill, spearheaded by the Coalition, would allow the Transport Minister to set “carriers’ obligations in relation to flights to and from Australia, and within Australia, including connecting flights,” through consultation with the industry.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and consumer advocacy body Choice have both previously backed calls for a compensation scheme, but airlines are staunchly against the new bill becoming law. 

Industry body Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (A4ANZ) – which counts Qantas, Virgin Australia, Regional Express, Jetstar and Air New Zealand among its members – warned against considering “airline compensation schemes as a silver bullet for Australian consumers.”

In a submission in response to the proposed law, A4ANZ chief Dr Alison Roberts claimed that EU261-styler compensation schemes “don’t work to reduce delays” and that airlines “are already commercially and financially incentivised to minimise disruptions.”

In addition, there was a “highly likely risk that the costs of such a scheme will place upward pressure on airfares and impact scheduling, reducing access and choice for Australians.”

The Board of Airline Representatives Australia (BARA), which has 32 members of its books including Qatar Airways and Singapore Airlines, says while it agrees with the bill’s goal of improving awareness and communication, there is “no evidence” that mandatory compensation has resulted in fewer delays or cancellations.

It’s a sentiment echoed by Virgin Australia, which says “automatic, blunt penalty regimes like the European Union’s passenger compensation scheme risk leading to increased fares, but not necessarily improved customer outcomes or operational performance.”

Rex Airlines is also lending its voice to almost unified industry opposition, believing “customer compensation is not a magic bullet,” as it doesn’t take the “unique factors of aviation” into account. 

Australian Airports Association chief executive James Goodwin also expressed doubts over the effectiveness of the legislation.

“Customer dissatisfaction with airlines is continuing,” he acknowledged, “but it’s not clear if a compensation scheme will fix it.”

‘Pay on Delay’

At present, airlines including Qantas, Rex Airlines and Virgin Australia all set their own compensation guidelines.

The airlines maintain that legally-binding passenger compensation payments would only serve to increase airfares across the board, and “have done nothing to reduce delays and cancellations, or to deliver better outcomes for consumers” in countries where they are in place.

For added context, an average of 20% of departures across all major carriers – Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia and Rex Airlines – were delayed in May this year.

In its response to a green paper, Qantas warned “the introduction of mandatory compensation would be a backwards step that will do nothing to reduce delays and cancellations, will increase confusion and complaints and materially increase costs, ultimately leading to higher fares and potentially compromising the viability of marginal routes.”

To become law, the Coalition-backed Pay on Delay bill would require the support of cross-bench senators – who are likely to be in favour of the proposal – before it could move to the House of Representatives, where Labor would need to approve the bill in its final form.

EU261 and UK261

Under the equivalent compensation schemes in the UK and Europe, passengers are entitled to between $400 and $1000 for delayed or cancelled flights, based primarily on the distance of their trip and length off the delay, but also allowing for how much notice an airline gives passengers.

Compensation is also required if a delay means a passenger misses a connecting flight on the same reservation. In certain circumstances passengers can also have their airfare fully refunded.

However, allowances would likely be made for factors outside of an airline’s control, such as the impact of weather, with the bill focussing on cases where an airline chooses to cancel or delay flights.

Given passenger compensation schemes are already in place in the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada, “this issue transcends mere inconvenience,” McKenzie told the Senate. “It’s a matter of fairness, transparency and respect for Australian consumers,” McKenzie told the Senate, who were being “left stranded.”

Additional reporting by David Flynn


11 Jul 2014

Total posts 973

I’ve been lucky about 60-80 flights last year and only caught out once and before that a sudden thunderstorm here and there but it’s going to add to the ticket price of course. 

Where do you think the cost will come from, the ticket price will go up.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 715

Or . . . just walking out on a limb here, the frequency of delayed flights, always allegedly for 'operational reasons' (which is code for operational profitability reasons), will suddenly reduce.  Even with a 2 hour period of grace by the carpark operator, flights delayed beyond 2 hours hits my pocket with additional airport parking of circa $50.  

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 715

Maybe 9 out of 10.  😉


11 Jul 2014

Total posts 973

I've changed my thinking on this; it appears to me if VA or QF does something, the other one follows all in the name of accountants running companies, and I can't wait to be charged $ 0.15 cents to have my ticket printed at the airport. Maybe the government can also add a clause about how many trips or how dependent someone is on the airline to sharpen their customer service. 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

23 Sep 2015

Total posts 30

I tend to agree with you UpUpAndAway .... whilst I didn't take anywhere near as many flights as you none the less any of my delays have been minimal - perhaps a sign of some improvement. Of the 2 major domestic airlines where I've experienced cancellations, Qantas has definitely gotten me away far quicker than Virgin. Last week in Sydney whilst waiting to see if I could get on an earlier flight the person in front of me had his 6.30pm flight cancelled. He had been rebooked to a flight at 6.45pm (15 minutes later) and wanted a meal voucher. I believe that airlines should offer some sort of compensation for major disruptions because they want to and not because they have to. A meal voucher for a 15 minute delay unreasonable? I think so. I hope this doesn't come back to bite consumers if compensation levels are unreasonable or excessive

28 Dec 2016

Total posts 72

This is exactly what the airlines would say but would not happen. The pricing of airfare, like in almost every other market for product and services is set by demand and supply. Raise the price? No problem, there will be less seats sold, all else equal. There is a limit for which suppliers can pass on cost increases.

Also, if your argument is true, then we should forfeit every other consumer rights as well. Remove the two year legislated consumer warranty - then we should get much cheaper price for goods as a result? Nope, the prices will stay about where they are right now, and the suppliers will pocket most of the decreased costs as extra profits. 

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

16 Jan 2018

Total posts 126

Intra Europe fares haven’t gone up - if anything they’ve decreased due to competition - over the years - the UK261/EU261 implementation has only served the consumer to get what they deserve for corporate incompetence.  Thunderstorms won’t cater the airline to pay out since it’s out of their control, but they have 50% available seats 80% of the year on a flight that is always canceled/delayed, well they should review their schedule and either remove that service completely or only offer on certain days where demand can be met. Not cancel 4-5 times a week and say ‘operational reasons’. Consumer gets affected and they wipe their hands off it with no effect. They need to be held accountable and this is the only way they will be forced to take the necessary action. 

08 Feb 2018

Total posts 159

Qantas lost the argument themselves when they rolled out the “bundle of rights” rubbish 

22 May 2011

Total posts 87

Long overdue.  “ Qantas warned “the introduction of mandatory compensation would be a backwards step that will do nothing to reduce delays and cancellations”

Well if you put a further financial cost to delays, that might just reduce delays and cancellations

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

01 Apr 2017

Total posts 29

If QF has to say that then they should also ask themselves...  "should we even be in the business of running an airline?"

doesn't apply to atc or weather delays, so not many will get any refunds at all.

08 May 2020

Total posts 43

Most welcome, especially if it covers things like op downgrade and rebooking after flight cancellation, I’ve heard some pretty shocking duty of care stories

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 715

Very rare to get another J-class seat on the alternative flights offered.  If I'd wanted an Eco fare I'd have bought one (which I do about 50% of the time when J-class not available).  You'd think the airline would telephone J-class ticket holders to assist with the re-schedule - has never happened for 'operational reasons'.  Bah Humbug it was.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

09 Feb 2015

Total posts 382

If the airlines are not in favour of it, that means it must be good for the travelling public. 

Hopefully it is implemented.

09 Nov 2018

Total posts 8

Airfares in Europe seem to be significantly lower on a $/km with the EU261 legislation in place so that argument seems to fall flat, although admittedly there is significantly more competition in Europe.

This legislation might help competition if it opens up access to the capital city airports because Qantas and Virgin can no longer sit on slots they cancel at the last minute without paying appropriate delay/cancellation compensation to affected passengers.

10 Nov 2020

Total posts 3

I'm still laughing at the airlines comment that the compensation payments "have done nothing to reduce delays and cancellations, or to deliver better outcomes for consumers". Wanna bet ? Given all the Qantas cancellations in particular, this means they actually have to think twice about the economic impact of simply cancelling a half full flight so that they have a full flight when merged with the next service. I've benefited many times from the UK/EU 261 compensation scheme. The best thing of course, is that you know exactly where you stand as a consumer and not take the airlines meager offerings - if any. Case in point, albeit a few years ago, a A330 VA flight PER-SYD (I was in flat bed business class) was switched to a B737 - and given the distance travelled by the inbound - they had long notice to let us know not to turn up at the airport. Result - I was bumped and moved to an overnight flight some 12 hrs later. I wasn't going to sit around the airport for this time when there was an A330 going to MEL a hour later than my SYD flight. Result - after a hour of arguing and phone calls to VA, I was put onto the PER-MEL flight, but was firmly told VA would not pay for overnight accommodation, nor would they fly me MEL-SYD the next morning. They expected me to sit around for 12 hours and if I changed, they wouldn't get me there as quickly as otherwise possible, nor actually get me to the destination I'd paid for. More calls and they provided the MEL-SYD leg, and via a complaint, the hotel was paid for. It shouldn't be so difficult. Recently I was on a QF flight from MCY-SYD that was cancelled and I had to wait hours for the next flight. Free cup of coffee or sandwich at airport? No way. Now compare this to my experience at Dusseldorf airport in Sept last year. I was in the BA lounge and the UK air traffic control system went down. Clearly this wasn't BA's fault - but they still paid for 2 nights accommodation, meals and drinks. No compensation per se as it really was out of their hands, but BA did what you'd reasonably expect. Would that happen in Australia at the moment ? No way. I've had cancellations on SAS, Etihad etc, and they paid the cash compensation, and provided meals / drinks etc. Another example, a relative was recently to fly SYD-SIN-CDG-DUS on Qantas (first leg) then Air France. The Qantas flight was several hours delayed (they said a towing issue - but the plane had been on the ground since early morning), which meant a mis-connection in SIN. AF refused to pay compensation as it was QF's fault. QF paid nothing and was off the hook - but since it was QF's responsibility to rebook the pax, QF put them on their flight to LHR (rather than a KL flight to AMS which was 2hrs after landing in SIN). The result - QF had a pax fly further and they were paid more - for their delay that seemed to be caused by anything but the excuse they proffered. So the Qantas delay actually brought in more revenue from this pax. Bring on the well overdue compensation scheme.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 715

I've been luckier with VA in a similar scenario (circa 2012).  Let's hope the next  CEO has better CRM skills than the current one.  

30 Jul 2015

Total posts 6

Long overdue, this is excellent news. If this gets over the line, watch the cancellation rate for "operational reasons" fall as a result. 

18 Nov 2015

Total posts 118

So in the UK and EU, the compensation is only for operational delays (flights cancelled due to scheduling, not enough staff etc). So bad weather would not qualify for a payment (which makes sense: the airline can't control the weather). 

BA Gold

01 Apr 2012

Total posts 192

This is what annoys me most about the whole OZ Govt grilling of Qantas and giving out to them.  It is all a smokescreen!  Why don't you just bring in legislation that protects the consumer from what the airlines are accused of doing??

I am an aussie in the UK and they are just light years ahead in that respect.  Not only EU/UK261 with air travel but even rail travel.  The train operators are bound by a 'delay repay' scheme.  Your train delayed 15-29min? 25% refund of your ticket.  30-60min.  50%.  etc.  No ifs, no buts.

The Australian govt is just a joke.  Whether it be airlines, supermarkets or any big business.  Love getting up on their soap box calling them out but too scared to confront them and invoke legislation.

BA Gold

01 Apr 2012

Total posts 192

It is also worth mentioning that EU/UK261 is only payable on delays or cancellations where you will reach your destination three hours or more after originally booked.

So in all likelihood if QF/VA cancel your SYD-MEL or BNE and book you on a flight an hour or two later you would still not be entitled to compensation.

There are still test cases going on in the UK about what DOES constitute 'within an airlines control'.  An example is a recent case is Lipton vs BA in the Supreme Court.  The passengers flight Milan - London was cancelled due to one of the pilots calling in sick.  The passenger lodged a claim for a 3hr+ delay and was refused as BA said sickness downroute/away from its base was outside its control.  The Supreme court however ruled in the passengers favour that the airline could in fact have mitigated the situation (how exactly, I don't know).  The point is, it is often still being tested and debated as to what is and isn't within the airlines control.

Personally, my experience has been that when I apply for UK261 the airlines either don't reply to the claim or they reject it.  I have taken to just using one of the many many 'no win no pay' legal services available which do all the hard graft, send letters/legal threats and then take around 25% of the compensation.


03 Oct 2023

Total posts 2

The EU/UK261 schemes don't work that well. Many delays in Europe are due to weather, French ATC strikes, ATC scheduling, ATC IT failures etc - all considered to be beyond airlines' control. They also only kick-in if the arrival is more than three hours late - not much use for an over-and-back business day.

I have claimed three times in the past couple of years with three separate airlines (BA, AF and LX) - each time due to missed, same carrier, connections (due to "delays earlier in the day", not an acceptable reason according to EU/UK261) resulting in overnight stays somewhere I didn't plan to be. Even finding where to claim on airlines' websites is a task in itself. Each of these has been rejected and when challenged the airlines have simply stopped responding. This seems to be the default starting position. I did engage with one of the agents who take-on these cases (for a 25% fee) but they declined on the basis that the airline and country involved (Swiss and Switzerland) are far too difficult to deal with!

Yes, I could go legal, but chasing for a few hundred euros? And that is what they all bargain on - most of us will give-up as we do actually have lives to live!

The UK rail scheme works well - no excuses, no quibbles, money back in a day or so. I have probably paid in full for only about half of my perhaps 50 rail trips in the UK over the past couple of years, with quite a number of them being fully refunded. But... the UK rail system is basically governement owned, so it is actually the UK taxpayer (fortunately not me) that is making the refunds. And another but... I would have preferred to have arrived on time!  

25 Sep 2013

Total posts 1242

Still better to have a scheme than none at all.

many delays are due to ATC & weather, so doubt many will get any refunds at all.


09 May 2020

Total posts 563

It’s one thing when ATC and weather meant all major airlines are affected (prop planes might not)

But I always find it amazing when far more cancellation is with one airline compared to the others. Which is the reason why I swore off flying with full service VA for 10 years before Covid 

(JQ will cancel on any lame excuse but hey it’s LCC so don’t expect full rights when you click on the T&Cs without reading it)

I'm all for this these days, just recently on a US flight I was downgraded from Business to Economy, the direct flight then went via Atlanta, the flights then changed several times before I just cancelled the flight all together.  

30 Jul 2015

Total posts 6

Good, this can't come into law fast enough.  The passenger experience over the past couple of years has been awful. We're paying top dollar for a service here in Australia (Qantas fares are so much more expensive than pre-covid) and the product/service is without doubt worse. I don't care if this adds to their costs, we're being ripped off already.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

17 Jan 2012

Total posts 173

I would prefer the US style system to come into play here.
I recently travelled to Los Angeles with QF.  A week out, I was informed that I was bumped off the direct QF11 from SYD-LAX to a flight 9 hours earlier via Melbourne due to an aircraft downgrade. My original departure on QF11 from SYD was 5.40pm.  I had to organise overnight accommodation in Sydney due to the new 8.15am departure to MEL.   The aircraft operating MEL-LAX never arrived from LAX as was in SYD due to a head winds diversion from the US.  Instead of re-fueling the aircraft and sending on to MEL, QF maintenance decided to use the opportunity to look it over.  So the original 2 hour connection via MEL was pushed back 4-5 times and turned into an 8 hour connection.  We arrived into LAX, 5 minutes before my original booked QF11 flight.  And naturally when I raised it with QF, I was told...thanks for your feedback.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 715

Honestly DGP, does your hubris have no bounds!!   You're merely the fare paying customer and as was pointed out last October by Qantas' Emotional Intelligence Guru, Andrew Finch, you've paid for a 'bundle of rights'.  :-)    None - I repeat NONE - of those rights includes an expectancy to be treated honestly, nor with dignity and respect.  :-)  

Honestly DGP, I am aghast, AGHAST I say, at your profound lack of gratitude that Qantas got you there a whole five (5) minutes earlier than initially promised.  And where's the gratitude for the additional Status Credits that'll hit your account eventually (in 2024), for the additional distances travelled?  You're most welcome, Mate, most welcome.  :-)

18 Sep 2015

Total posts 126

Inserting an ombudsman in the loop is just another layer that will make it harder to change airline behaviour and gain compensation. We need a local version of EU/UK261 or the US system so that the there's not arguments - if delay criteria are met then there is a certain automatic compensation.

30 May 2018

Total posts 35

Having lived in Europe for more than 20 years and returning annually to Australia to visit family in friends across Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Noosa, I get a regular snapshot of the Australian air travel experience. In 2023 5 of my 6 QF flights were cancelled 'for operational reason' (read profit optimisation) at enormous inconvenience. This year my SYD-MEL flight was cancelled (for profit optimisation) and I was delayed 4 hours, nearly missing a dinner with old friends, planned for months in advance. 

I'm convinced all of these cancellations were at Qantas' financial controller's whim and for no other reason. Most of the delays were more than 4 hours, often to the next day. I can tell EU261 would at least take away Qantas' incentive for such frequent cancellations. And NO, flights in the EU are NOT more expensive than in Australia due to EU261. 

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

22 Nov 2019

Total posts 82

This will keep the b..stards honest in the planning departments of the big three. Making passengers lob up at airports when they know darn well the flight is going to be cancelled, or ultra delayed, is a dog act. This will force them to be honest, and contact all pax of the cancellation much earlier, or not make decisions based on profitability (in particular Jetstar). Hope Albo passes the bill.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

02 May 2014

Total posts 21

Get our elected Representatives and Public Servants who we all "employ" OUT of the Chairmans Lounge , which we all indirectly pay for, and hopefully they will all see it from "our" side of the exclusive door. Bring it on.

29 Jan 2020

Total posts 34

Does the proposed Australian legislation also include rules regarding refunds?

I am pretty sure the EU model requires airlines to refund your fare in full within 7 days if they cancelled your flight, and you chose not to travel. Same rule would apply if you cancelled a ticket that was fully refundable.

Given how long Airlines took to refund during Covid, a rule re refunds is long overdue.

31 Dec 2014

Total posts 48

Air Canada has a compensation scheme that excludes safety based delays. In a recent itinerary I arrived over 7 hours late (with zero announcements from the flight crew on the initial delayed flight).

I claimed for compensation and the reply (about a week later) was it was due to maintenance which is a safety issue. Was the maintenance sudden and last minute? Was it scheduled maintenance that just went over time? Either way, safety gives them a get out of jail card for just about everything.

Air Canada - Aeroplan

28 Feb 2015

Total posts 112

Many years ago I was on an AC flight YVR-SYD with a refulelling stop in HNL, and the HNL-SYD sector was delayed over four hours because of a cracked cockpit windscreen. This was a safety issue, but as I was an Elite FF, AC still sent me an (unsolicited) apology and 5000 FF miles as compensation.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

15 Jul 2016

Total posts 14

Getting to the bottom of why a flight is delayed or cancelled should be covered in the legislation or attendant rules. We were on a flight late last year delayed “because of the weather” and yes there was a weather event but plenty of other flights were operating including to our destination, yet we were not told the right information, made to wait two hours in a line to be told to skedaddle and no compensation for you! The real reason, airline bottom line. No compensation, no apology, no care, useless staff who walked past our line but couldn’t be bothered asking what we thought we doing. Next day flight home (which was also delayed for “operational reasons”). Probably good that Hrdlicka is on her way out. 

25 Jun 2018

Total posts 45

As soon as the ‘polies’ and senior public service nabobs start thinking about passengers’ rights (probably in the Chairman’s Lounge), the airlines start squealing about how the sky will fall in, the chooks will stop laying and the cows will stop giving milk.

Bring on the day when the airline bosses are told to come to Canberra, given 24 hours notice of legislation giving all passengers refund rights commencing immediately (enshrined in the legislation), and told to get on with it.

Until then …..

16 Oct 2012

Total posts 49

Hardly surprising the airlines are pushing back on this. Their primary concern is $$$ rather than pax loyalty, regardless of the value (or lack there of) that any passenger might bring to the carrier. The brutal reality is that no matter your status, you are little more than akin to a bus passenger destined to be shunted around when their schedules go belly up. I’ve experienced this countless times in the last 2 years with both VA and QF. Only once with any voluntary compensation. 

By contrast I’ve had no-questions-asked compensation in Europe for delayed/cancelled flights in the same period. And certainly flights there have not appreciated in price as a result of that consumer protection. 

Let’s hope the government don’t relent to the pressure from the airlines. 

04 Nov 2020

Total posts 18

The compensation scheme in Europe has taken it too far. You can get compensated more than you pay for the tickets, in certain situations, which is wrong.

Australia needs some kind of compensation scheme, but maybe a middle ground of what is existing and what EU has 🤷‍♂️

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

20 Aug 2014

Total posts 162

"......The compensation scheme in Europe has taken it too far. You can get compensated more than you pay for the tickets, in certain situations, which is wrong......"

It's not wrong @Kenneth77. Its spot on. So you think if you paid $200 for an air fare 6 weeks out, then on the day, your flight is cancelled forcing you to pay over $600 for a flight on another carrier, your compensation should be limited to less than $200 ?

20 Oct 2015

Total posts 239

I think when all airlines agree on something it's either very good or very bad. "Very good" might be reducing their carbon footprint, hard for anybody with a brain to argue against climate change and the need for industries to do what they can. "Very bad" is probably their opposition to these consumer rights laws. It's very simple, airlines agree to get you and your luggage from A to B on a certain flight at a certain time. Changes to this which are within their control and which clearly inconvenience the traveller should see the traveller compensated in an appropriate way, and it should just be considered "a cost of business" for the airline.

BA Gold

01 Apr 2012

Total posts 192

@ Kenneth77 - 'The compensation scheme in Europe has taken it too far. You can get compensated more than you pay for the tickets, in certain situations, which is wrong.'

When you can regularly buy Ryanair fares from the UK to popular european destinations for £16.99 this is the point.  Otherwise Ryanair could leave you high and dry in Timbuktoo and say 'here's your £16.99 back, bye'.

Which brings me onto this point - I can remember in the UK when EU261 was coming in and it was all the same noise from the european airlines.  'It will push fares up'.  It didn't.  You see there has probably never been more competition in Europe with Ryanair and Easyjet dominating the continent and the legacy carriers also throwing their hat into the ring.  What it has done is made airlines plan their resources much better and not ruin travel plans of the public.

08 May 2020

Total posts 43

Customers need to be treated better during times of disruptions, airlines have had probably 30 years now to come up with a solution of their own, gameover, here comes the legislation

18 Sep 2018

Total posts 8

I'll never forget the first time I saw the sign in MKY please don't disrespect our staff because they don't disrespect you.  I wholeheartedly agree, however this article demonstrates the ongoing disrespect of customers by senior airline management.

If airlines cancel, delay, or downgrade a flight experience I.e. not provide the customer with what they paid for, customers are entitled to compensation.  As airlines have not fulfilled this voluntarily it's time to force them.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

24 Jan 2019

Total posts 10

My worst delay was 12 hours in Sydney and I firmly believe we should have been compensated for that.  QANTAS communication was terrible.  We were due to leave around midday but did not leave Mascot until just before curfew.  Lack of information meant no one could leave the gate to seek food or refreshment, and we weren’t offered a glass of water (until people started asking for it).  By the time we got on the plane the food was too old to be served, we were all hungry and thirsty, and left with the impression that we were being thrown onto any plane that could get us out before curfew.  

We really deserved compensation for that delay.  The measly $50 offered - which had to be spent on a flight - did not compensate for the time and inconvenience. Thank god I hadn’t parked in the airport car park that day or I’d have had to sell my first born child! .  

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